OhMyThreads.jl is meant to be a simple, unambitious package that provides user-friendly ways of doing task-based multithreaded calculations in Julia. Most importantly, with a focus on data parallelism, it provides an API of higher-order functions (e.g. tmapreduce
) as well as a macro API @tasks for ... end
(conceptually similar to @threads
Quick Start
The package is registered. Hence, you can simply use
] add OhMyThreads
to add the package to your Julia environment.
Basic example
using OhMyThreads: tmapreduce, @tasks
using BenchmarkTools: @btime
using Base.Threads: nthreads
# Variant 1: function API
function mc_parallel(N; ntasks=nthreads())
M = tmapreduce(+, 1:N; ntasks) do i
rand()^2 + rand()^2 < 1.0
pi = 4 * M / N
return pi
# Variant 2: macro API
function mc_parallel_macro(N; ntasks=nthreads())
M = @tasks for i in 1:N
@set begin
rand()^2 + rand()^2 < 1.0
pi = 4 * M / N
return pi
N = 100_000_000
mc_parallel(N) # gives, e.g., 3.14159924
@btime mc_parallel($N; ntasks=1) # use a single task (and hence a single thread)
@btime mc_parallel($N) # using all threads
@btime mc_parallel_macro($N) # using all threads
With 5 threads, timings might be something like this:
417.282 ms (14 allocations: 912 bytes)
83.578 ms (38 allocations: 3.08 KiB)
83.573 ms (38 allocations: 3.08 KiB)
(Check out the full Parallel Monte Carlo example if you like.)
No Transducers
Unlike most JuliaFolds2 packages, OhMyThreads.jl is not built off of Transducers.jl, nor is it a building block for Transducers.jl. Rather, it is meant to be a simpler, more maintainable, and more accessible alternative to high-level packages like, e.g., ThreadsX.jl or Folds.jl.
The idea for this package came from Carsten Bauer and Mason Protter. Check out the list of contributors for more information.