Parallel Monte Carlo
Calculate the value of $\pi$ through parallel direct Monte Carlo.
A unit circle is inscribed inside a unit square with side length 2 (from -1 to 1). The area of the circle is $\pi$, the area of the square is 4, and the ratio is $\pi/4$. This means that, if you throw $N$ darts randomly at the square, approximately $M=N\pi/4$ of those darts will land inside the unit circle.
Throw darts randomly at a unit square and count how many of them ($M$) landed inside of a unit circle. Approximate $\pi \approx 4M/N$.
Sequential implementation:
function mc(N)
M = 0 # number of darts that landed in the circle
for i in 1:N
if rand()^2 + rand()^2 < 1.0
M += 1
pi = 4 * M / N
return pi
N = 100_000_000
Parallelization with tmapreduce
To parallelize the Monte Carlo simulation, we use tmapreduce
with +
as the reduction operator. For the map part, we take 1:N
as our input collection and "throw one dart" per element.
using OhMyThreads
function mc_parallel(N; kwargs...)
M = tmapreduce(+, 1:N; kwargs...) do i
rand()^2 + rand()^2 < 1.0
pi = 4 * M / N
return pi
# or alternatively
# function mc_parallel(N)
# M = @tasks for _ in 1:N
# @set reducer = +
# rand()^2 + rand()^2 < 1.0
# end
# pi = 4 * M / N
# return pi
# end
Let's run a quick benchmark.
using BenchmarkTools
using Base.Threads: nthreads
@assert nthreads() > 1 # make sure we have multiple Julia threads
@show nthreads() # print out the number of threads
@btime mc($N) samples=10 evals=3;
@btime mc_parallel($N) samples=10 evals=3;
nthreads() = 10
301.636 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
41.864 ms (68 allocations: 5.81 KiB)
Static scheduling
Because the workload is highly uniform, it makes sense to also try the StaticScheduler
and compare the performance of static and dynamic scheduling (with default parameters).
using OhMyThreads: StaticScheduler
@btime mc_parallel($N; scheduler=:dynamic) samples=10 evals=3; # default
@btime mc_parallel($N; scheduler=:static) samples=10 evals=3;
41.839 ms (68 allocations: 5.81 KiB)
41.838 ms (68 allocations: 5.81 KiB)
Manual parallelization
First, using the index_chunks
function, we divide the iteration interval 1:N
into nthreads()
parts. Then, we apply a regular (sequential) map
to spawn a Julia task per chunk. Each task will locally and independently perform a sequential Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, we fetch the results and compute the average estimate for $\pi$.
using OhMyThreads: @spawn, index_chunks
function mc_parallel_manual(N; nchunks = nthreads())
tasks = map(index_chunks(1:N; n = nchunks)) do idcs
@spawn mc(length(idcs))
pi = sum(fetch, tasks) / nchunks
return pi
And this is the performance:
@btime mc_parallel_manual($N) samples=10 evals=3;
30.224 ms (65 allocations: 5.70 KiB)
It is faster than mc_parallel
above because the task-local computation mc(length(idcs))
is faster than the implicit task-local computation within tmapreduce
(which itself is a mapreduce
idcs = first(index_chunks(1:N; n = nthreads()))
@btime mapreduce($+, $idcs) do i
rand()^2 + rand()^2 < 1.0
end samples=10 evals=3;
@btime mc($(length(idcs))) samples=10 evals=3;
41.750 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
30.148 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
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