Thread-Safe Storage
For some programs, it can be useful or even necessary to allocate and (re-)use memory in your parallel code (e.g. your computation might require temporary buffers). The following section demonstrates common issues that can arise in such a scenario and, by means of a simple example, explains techniques to handle such cases safely. Specifically, we'll dicuss (1) how task-local storage (TLS) can be used efficiently and (2) how channels can be used to organize per-task buffer allocation in a thread-safe manner.
Test case (sequential)
Let's say that we are given two arrays of matrices, As
and Bs
, and let's further assume that our goal is to compute the total sum of all pairwise matrix products. We can readily implement a (sequential) function that performs the necessary computations.
using LinearAlgebra: mul!, BLAS
BLAS.set_num_threads(1) # for simplicity, we turn off OpenBLAS multithreading
function matmulsums(As, Bs)
N = size(first(As), 1)
C = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N)
map(As, Bs) do A, B
mul!(C, A, B)
matmulsums (generic function with 1 method)
Here, we use map
to perform the desired operation for each pair of matrices, A
and B
. However, the crucial point for our discussion is that we want to use the in-place matrix multiplication LinearAlgebra.mul!
in conjunction with a pre-allocated temporary buffer, the output matrix C
. This is to avoid the temporary allocation per "iteration" (i.e. per matrix pair) that we would get with C = A*B
For later comparison, we generate some random input data and store the result.
As = [rand(256, 16) for _ in 1:768]
Bs = [rand(16, 256) for _ in 1:768]
res = matmulsums(As, Bs);
How to not parallelize
The key idea for creating a parallel version of matmulsums
is to replace the map
by OhMyThreads' parallel tmap
function. However, because we re-use C
, this isn't entirely trivial. Someone new to parallel computing might be tempted to parallelize matmulsums
like this:
using OhMyThreads: tmap
function matmulsums_race(As, Bs)
N = size(first(As), 1)
C = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N)
tmap(As, Bs) do A, B
mul!(C, A, B)
matmulsums_race (generic function with 1 method)
Unfortunately, this doesn't produce the correct result.
res_race = matmulsums_race(As, Bs)
res ≈ res_race
In fact, it doesn't even always produce the same result (check for yourself)! The reason is that there is a race condition: different parallel tasks are trying to use the shared variable C
simultaneously leading to non-deterministic behavior. Let's see how we can fix this.
The naive (and inefficient) fix
A simple solution for the race condition issue above is to move the allocation of C
into the body of the parallel tmap
function matmulsums_naive(As, Bs)
N = size(first(As), 1)
tmap(As, Bs) do A, B
C = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N)
mul!(C, A, B)
matmulsums_naive (generic function with 1 method)
In this case, a separate C
will be allocated for each iteration such that parallel tasks no longer mutate shared state. Hence, we'll get the desired result.
res_naive = matmulsums_naive(As, Bs)
res ≈ res_naive
However, this variant is obviously inefficient because it is no better than just writing C = A*B
and thus leads to one allocation per matrix pair. We need a different way of allocating and re-using C
for an efficient parallel version.
Task-local storage
The manual (and cumbersome) way
We've seen that we can't allocate C
once up-front (→ race condition) and also shouldn't allocate it within the tmap
(→ one allocation per iteration). Instead, we can assign a separate "C" on each parallel task once and then use this task-local "C" for all iterations (i.e. matrix pairs) for which this task is responsible. Before we learn how to do this more conveniently, let's implement this idea of a task-local temporary buffer (for each parallel task) manually.
using OhMyThreads: index_chunks, @spawn
using Base.Threads: nthreads
function matmulsums_manual(As, Bs)
N = size(first(As), 1)
tasks = map(index_chunks(As; n = 2 * nthreads())) do idcs
@spawn begin
local C = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N)
map(idcs) do i
A = As[i]
B = Bs[i]
mul!(C, A, B)
mapreduce(fetch, vcat, tasks)
res_manual = matmulsums_manual(As, Bs)
res ≈ res_manual
We note that this is rather cumbersome and you might not want to write it (repeatedly). But let's take a closer look and see what's happening here. First, we divide the number of matrix pairs into 2 * nthreads()
chunks. Then, for each of those chunks, we spawn a parallel task that (1) allocates a task-local C
matrix (and a results
vector) and (2) performs the actual computations using these pre-allocated buffers. Finally, we fetch
the results of the tasks and combine them. This variant works just fine and the good news is that we can get the same behavior with less manual work.
The shortcut: TaskLocalValue
The desire for task-local storage is quite natural with task-based multithreading. For this reason, Julia supports this out of the box with Base.task_local_storage
. But instead of using this directly (which you could), we will use a convenience wrapper around it called TaskLocalValue
. This allows us to express the idea from above in few lines of code:
using OhMyThreads: TaskLocalValue
function matmulsums_tlv(As, Bs; kwargs...)
N = size(first(As), 1)
tlv = TaskLocalValue{Matrix{Float64}}(() -> Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N))
tmap(As, Bs; kwargs...) do A, B
C = tlv[]
mul!(C, A, B)
res_tlv = matmulsums_tlv(As, Bs)
res ≈ res_tlv
Here, TaskLocalValue{Matrix{Float64}}(() -> Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N))
creates a task-local value - essentially a reference to a value in the task-local storage - that behaves like this: The first time the task-local value is accessed from a task (tls[]
) it is initialized according to the provided anonymous function. Afterwards, every following query (from the same task!) will simply lookup and return the task-local value. This solves our issues above and leads to $O(\textrm{parallel tasks})$ (instead of $O(\textrm{iterations})$) allocations.
Note that if you use our @tasks
macro API, there is built-in support for task-local values via @local
using OhMyThreads: @tasks
function matmulsums_tlv_macro(As, Bs; kwargs...)
N = size(first(As), 1)
@tasks for i in eachindex(As, Bs)
@set collect = true
@local C = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N)
mul!(C, As[i], Bs[i])
res_tlv_macro = matmulsums_tlv_macro(As, Bs)
res ≈ res_tlv_macro
Here, @local
expands to a pattern similar to the TaskLocalValue
one above, although automatically infers that the object's type is Matrix{Float64}
, and it carries some optimizations (see OhMyThreads.WithTaskLocals
) which can make accessing task local values more efficient in loops which take on the order of 100ns to complete.
The whole point of parallelization is increasing performance, so let's benchmark and compare the performance of the variants that we've discussed so far.
using BenchmarkTools
@show nthreads()
@btime matmulsums($As, $Bs);
@btime matmulsums_naive($As, $Bs);
@btime matmulsums_manual($As, $Bs);
@btime matmulsums_tlv($As, $Bs);
@btime matmulsums_tlv_macro($As, $Bs);
nthreads() = 10
61.314 ms (3 allocations: 518.17 KiB)
22.122 ms (1621 allocations: 384.06 MiB)
7.620 ms (204 allocations: 10.08 MiB)
7.702 ms (126 allocations: 5.03 MiB)
7.600 ms (127 allocations: 5.03 MiB)
As we can see, matmulsums_tlv
(and matmulsums_tlv_macro
) isn't only convenient but also efficient: It allocates much less memory than matmulsums_naive
and is about on par with the manual implementation.
Per-thread allocation
The task-local solution above has one potential caveat: If we spawn many parallel tasks (e.g. for load-balancing reasons) we need just as many task-local buffers. This can clearly be suboptimal because only nthreads()
tasks can run simultaneously. Hence, one buffer per thread should actually suffice. Of course, this raises the question of how to organize a pool of "per-thread" buffers such that each running task always has exclusive (temporary) access to a buffer (we need to make sure to avoid races).
The naive (and incorrect) approach
A naive approach to implementing this idea is to pre-allocate an array of buffers and then to use the threadid()
to select a buffer for a running task.
using Base.Threads: threadid
function matmulsums_perthread_naive(As, Bs)
N = size(first(As), 1)
Cs = [Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N) for _ in 1:nthreads()]
tmap(As, Bs) do A, B
C = Cs[threadid()]
mul!(C, A, B)
# non uniform workload
As_nu = [rand(256, isqrt(i)^2) for i in 1:768];
Bs_nu = [rand(isqrt(i)^2, 256) for i in 1:768];
res_nu = matmulsums(As_nu, Bs_nu);
res_pt_naive = matmulsums_perthread_naive(As_nu, Bs_nu)
res_nu ≈ res_pt_naive
Unfortunately, this approach is generally wrong. The first issue is that threadid()
doesn't necessarily start at 1 (and thus might return a value > nthreads()
), in which case Cs[threadid()]
would be an out-of-bounds access attempt. This might be surprising but is a simple consequence of the ordering of different kinds of Julia threads: If Julia is started with a non-zero number of interactive threads, e.g. --threads 5,2
, the interactive threads come first (look at Threads.threadpool.(1:Threads.maxthreadid())
But even if we account for this offset there is another, more fundamental problem, namely task-migration. By default, all spawned parallel tasks are "non-sticky" and can dynamically migrate between different Julia threads (loosely speaking, at any point in time). This means nothing other than that threadid()
is not necessarily constant for a task! For example, imagine that task A starts on thread 4, loads the buffer Cs[4]
, but then gets paused, migrated, and continues executation on, say, thread 5. Afterwards, while task A is performing mul!(Cs[4], ...)
, a different task B might start on (the now available) thread 4 and also read and use Cs[4]
. This would lead to a race condition because both tasks are mutating the same buffer. (Note that, in practice, this - most likely 😉 - doesn't happen for the very simple example above, but you can't rely on it!)
The quick fix (with caveats)
A simple solution for the task-migration issue is to opt-out of dynamic scheduling with scheduler=:static
(or scheduler=StaticScheduler()
). This scheduler statically assigns tasks to threads upfront without any dynamic rescheduling (the tasks are sticky and won't migrate).
function matmulsums_perthread_static(As, Bs)
N = size(first(As), 1)
Cs = [Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N) for _ in 1:nthreads()]
tmap(As, Bs; scheduler = :static) do A, B
C = Cs[threadid()]
mul!(C, A, B)
res_pt_static = matmulsums_perthread_static(As_nu, Bs_nu)
res_nu ≈ res_pt_static
However, this approach doesn't solve the offset issue and, even worse, makes the parallel code non-composable: If we call other multithreaded functions within the tmap
or if our parallel matmulsums_perthread_static
itself gets called from another parallel region we will likely oversubscribe the Julia threads and get subpar performance. Given these caveats, we should therefore generally take a different approach.
The safe way: Channel
Instead of storing the pre-allocated buffers in an array, we can put them into a Channel
which internally ensures that parallel access is safe. In this scenario, we simply take!
a buffer from the channel whenever we need it and put!
it back after our computation is done.
function matmulsums_perthread_channel(As, Bs; nbuffers = nthreads(), kwargs...)
N = size(first(As), 1)
chnl = Channel{Matrix{Float64}}(nbuffers)
foreach(1:nbuffers) do _
put!(chnl, Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N))
tmap(As, Bs; kwargs...) do A, B
C = take!(chnl)
mul!(C, A, B)
result = sum(C)
put!(chnl, C)
res_pt_channel = matmulsums_perthread_channel(As_nu, Bs_nu)
res_nu ≈ res_pt_channel
Let's benchmark the variants above and compare them to the task-local implementation. We want to look at both ntasks = nthreads()
and ntasks > nthreads()
, the latter of which gives us dynamic load balancing.
# no load balancing because ntasks == nthreads()
@btime matmulsums_tlv($As_nu, $Bs_nu);
@btime matmulsums_perthread_static($As_nu, $Bs_nu);
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel($As_nu, $Bs_nu);
# load balancing because ntasks > nthreads()
@btime matmulsums_tlv($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 2 * nthreads());
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 2 * nthreads());
@btime matmulsums_tlv($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 10 * nthreads());
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 10 * nthreads());
170.563 ms (126 allocations: 5.03 MiB)
165.647 ms (108 allocations: 5.02 MiB)
172.216 ms (114 allocations: 5.02 MiB)
108.662 ms (237 allocations: 10.05 MiB)
114.673 ms (185 allocations: 5.04 MiB)
97.933 ms (1118 allocations: 50.13 MiB)
96.868 ms (746 allocations: 5.10 MiB)
Note that the runtime of matmulsums_perthread_channel
improves with increasing number of chunks/tasks (due to load balancing) while the amount of allocated memory doesn't increase much. Contrast this with the drastic memory increase with matmulsums_tlv
Another safe way based on Channel
Above, we chose to put a limited number of buffers (e.g. nthreads()
) into the channel and then spawn many tasks (one per input element). Sometimes it can make sense to flip things around and put the (many) input elements into a channel and only spawn a limited number of tasks (e.g. nthreads()
) with task-local buffers.
using OhMyThreads: tmapreduce
function matmulsums_perthread_channel_flipped(As, Bs; ntasks = nthreads())
N = size(first(As), 1)
chnl = Channel{Int}(length(As); spawn = true) do chnl
for i in 1:length(As)
put!(chnl, i)
tmapreduce(vcat, 1:ntasks; chunking=false) do _ # we turn chunking off
local C = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N, N)
map(chnl) do i # implicitly takes the values from the channel (parallel safe)
A = As[i]
B = Bs[i]
mul!(C, A, B)
Note that one caveat of this approach is that the input → task assignment, and thus the order of the output, is non-deterministic. For this reason, we sort the output to check for correctness.
res_channel_flipped = matmulsums_perthread_channel_flipped(As_nu, Bs_nu)
sort(res_nu) ≈ sort(res_channel_flipped)
Quick benchmark:
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel_flipped($As_nu, $Bs_nu);
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel_flipped($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 2 * nthreads());
@btime matmulsums_perthread_channel_flipped($As_nu, $Bs_nu; ntasks = 10 * nthreads());
94.389 ms (170 allocations: 5.07 MiB)
94.580 ms (271 allocations: 10.10 MiB)
94.768 ms (1071 allocations: 50.41 MiB)
In addition, OhMyThreads provides an iterator-wrapper type OhMyThreads.ChannelLike
which can be used in place of a Channel
. If the number of elements is large this can be more efficient since there is no need to copy the elements into the Channel
. Concretely, in the example above, we could replace Channel() do .. end
with OhMyThreads.ChannelLike(1:length(As))
Bumper.jl (only for the brave)
If you are bold and want to cut down temporary allocations even more you can give Bumper.jl a try. Essentially, it allows you to bring your own stacks, that is, task-local bump allocators which you can dynamically allocate memory to, and reset them at the end of a code block, just like Julia's stack. Be warned though that Bumper.jl is (1) a rather young package with (likely) some bugs and (2) can easily lead to segfaults when used incorrectly. If you can live with the risk, Bumper.jl is especially useful for cases where the size of the preallocated matrix isn't known ahead of time, and even more useful if we want to do many intermediate allocations on the task, not just one. For our example, this isn't the case but let's nonetheless how one would use Bumper.jl here.
using Bumper
function matmulsums_bumper(As, Bs)
tmap(As, Bs) do A, B
@no_escape begin # promising that no memory will escape
N = size(A, 1)
C = @alloc(Float64, N, N) # from bump allocater (fake "stack")
mul!(C, A, B)
res_bumper = matmulsums_bumper(As, Bs);
sort(res) ≈ sort(res_bumper)
@btime matmulsums_bumper($As, $Bs);
7.814 ms (134 allocations: 27.92 KiB)
Note that the benchmark is lying here about the total memory allocation, because it doesn't show the allocation of the task-local bump allocators themselves (the reason is that SlabBuffer
uses malloc
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