

Threads⨉: Parallelized Base functions

Stable Dev


Add prefix ThreadsX. to functions from Base to get some speedup, if supported. Example:

julia> using ThreadsX

julia> ThreadsX.sum(gcd(42, i) == 1 for i in 1:10_000)

To find out functions supported by ThreadsX.jl, just type ThreadsX. + TAB in the REPL:

julia> ThreadsX.
MergeSort       any             findfirst       map!            reduce
QuickSort       collect         findlast        mapreduce       sort
Set             count           foreach         maximum         sort!
StableQuickSort extrema         issorted        minimum         sum
all             findall         map             prod            unique


Rich collection support

The reduce-based functions support any collections that implement SplittablesBase.jl interface including arrays, Dict, Set, and iterator transformations. In particular, these functions support iterator comprehension:

julia> ThreadsX.sum(y for x in 1:10 if isodd(x) for y in 1:x^2)

For advanced usage, they also support Transducers.eduction constructed with parallelizable transducers.


ThreadsX.reduce supports an OnlineStat from OnlineStats.jl as the first argument as long as it implements the merging interface:

julia> using OnlineStats: Mean

julia> ThreadsX.reduce(Mean(), 1:10)
Mean: n=10 | value=5.5


ThreadsX.jl is aiming at providing API compatible with Base functions to easily parallelize Julia programs.

All functions that exist directly under ThreadsX namespace are public API and they implement a subset of API provided by Base. Everything inside ThreadsX.Implementations is implementation detail. The public API functions of ThreadsX expect that the data structure and function(s) passed as argument are "thread-friendly" in the sense that operating on distinct elements in the given container from multiple tasks in parallel is safe. For example, ThreadsX.sum(f, array) assumes that executing f(::eltype(array)) and accessing elements as in array[i] from multiple threads is safe. In particular, this is the case if array is a Vector of immutable objects and f is a pure function in the sense it does not mutate any global objects. Note that it is not required and not recommended to use "thread-safe" array that protects accessing array[i] by a lock.

In addition to the Base API, all functions accept keyword argument basesize::Integer to configure the number of elements processed by each thread. A large value is useful for minimizing the overhead of using multiple threads. A small value is useful for load balancing when the time to process single item varies a lot from item to item. The default value of basesize for each function is currently an implementation detail.

ThreadsX.jl API is deterministic in the sense that the same input produces the same output, independent of how julia's task scheduler decide to execute the tasks. However, note that basesize is a part of the input which may be set based on Threads.nthreads(). To make the result of the computation independent of Threads.nthreads() value, basesize must be specified explicitly.


  • Keyword argument dims is not supported yet.
  • (There are probably more.)


Most of reduce-based functions are implemented as thin wrappers of Transducers.jl.

Custom collections can support ThreadsX.jl API by implementing SplittablesBase.jl interface.

ThreadsX.foreach(f, collections...; basesize, simd)

A parallel version of

for args in zip(collections...)

ThreadsX.foreach uses linear and Cartesian indexing of arrays appropriately. However, it is likely very slow for sparse arrays.

Although ThreadsX.foreach can be nested, it is highly recommended to use CartesianIndices or Iterators.product whenever applicable so that ThreadsX.foreach can load-balance across multiple levels of loops. Otherwise (when nesting ThreadsX.foreach) it is important to set basesize for outer loops to small values (e.g., basesize = 1).

Keyword Arguments

  • basesize: The size of base case.
  • simd: false, true, :ivdep, or Val of one of them. If true/:ivdep, the inner-most loop of each base case is annotated by @simd/@simd ivdep. This does not occur if false (default).


julia> using ThreadsX

julia> xs = 1:10; ys = similar(xs);

julia> ThreadsX.foreach(eachindex(ys, xs)) do I
           @inbounds ys[I] = xs[I]

As foreach can only be used for side-effects, it is likely that it has to be used with eachindex.

To avoid cumbersome indexing, a powerful pattern is to use Referenceables.jl with foreach:

julia> using Referenceables  # exports `referenceable`

julia> ThreadsX.foreach(referenceable(ys), xs) do y, x
           y[] = x

Note that y[] does not have to be marked by @inbounds as it is ensured to be the reference to the valid location in the array.

Above function can also be written using map!. foreach is useful when, e.g., there are multiple outputs:

julia> A = randn(10, 10); sums = similar(A); muls = similar(A);

julia> ThreadsX.foreach(referenceable(sums), referenceable(muls), A, A') do s, m, x, y
           s[] = x + y
           m[] = x * y

Above code fuses the computation of sums .= A .+ A' and muls .= A .* A' and runs it in parallel.

foreach can also be used when the array is both input and output:

julia> ThreadsX.foreach(referenceable(A)) do x
           x[] *= 2

Nested loops can be written using Iterators.product:

julia> A = 1:3
       B = 1:2
       C = zeros(3, 2);

julia> ThreadsX.foreach(referenceable(C), Iterators.product(A, B)) do c, (a, b)
           c[] = a * b
       @assert C == A .* reshape(B, 1, :)

This is equivalent to the following sequential code

julia> for j in eachindex(B), i in eachindex(A)
           @inbounds C[i, j] = A[i] * B[j]
       @assert C == A .* reshape(B, 1, :)

This loop can be expressed also with explicit indexing (which is closer to the sequential code):

julia> ThreadsX.foreach(Iterators.product(eachindex(A), eachindex(B))) do (i, j)
           @inbounds C[i, j] = A[i] * B[j]
       @assert C == A .* reshape(B, 1, :)

julia> ThreadsX.foreach(CartesianIndices(C)) do I
           @inbounds C[I] = A[I[1]] * B[I[2]]
       @assert C == A .* reshape(B, 1, :)

Note the difference in the ordering in the syntax; i.e., for j in eachindex(B), i in eachindex(A) and Iterators.product(eachindex(A), eachindex(B)). These are equivalent in the sense eachindex(A) is the inner most loop in both cases.

ThreadsX.mapi(f, iterators...; basesize)

Parallelized map(f, iterators...). Input collections iterators must support SplittablesBase.halve

ThreadsX.mapi(f, iterators...; basesize, ntasks)

Parallelized map(f, iterators...) that works with purely sequential iterators.

Note that calls to iterate on iterators are not parallelized. Only f may be called in parallel. See also Transducers.NondeterministicThreading for more information.


Currently, the default basesize is 1. However, it may be changed in the future (e.g. it may be automatically tuned at run-time).

Keyword Arguments

  • basesize::Integer: The number of input elements to be accumulated in a buffer before sent to a task.
  • ntasks::Integer: The number of tasks @spawned. The default value is Threads.nthreads(). A number larger than Threads.nthreads() may be useful if the inner reducing function contains I/O and does not consume too much resource (e.g., memory).
source!Function!(f, dest, inputs...; basesize, simd)

Parallelized map!. See also foreach.


Note that the behavior is undefined when using dest whose distinct indices refer to the same memory location. In particular:

  • SubArray with overlapping indices. For example, view(zeros(2), [1, 1, 2, 2]) is unsupported but view(zeros(10), [1, 5, 4, 7]) is safe to use.
  • BitArray (currently unsupported)
ThreadsX.sort!(xs; [smallsort, smallsize, basesize, alg, lt, by, rev, order])

Sort a vector xs in parallel.


julia> using ThreadsX

julia> ThreadsX.sort!([9, 5, 2, 0, 1])
5-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> ThreadsX.sort!([0:5;]; alg = ThreadsX.StableQuickSort, by = _ -> 1)
6-element Vector{Int64}:

It is also possible to use Base.sort! directly by specifying alg to be one of the parallel sort algorithms provided by ThreadsX:

julia> sort!([9, 5, 2, 0, 1]; alg = ThreadsX.MergeSort)
5-element Vector{Int64}:

This entry point may be slower than ThreadsX.sort! if the input is a very large array of integers with small range. In this case, ThreadsX.sort! uses parallel counting sort whereas sort! uses sequential counting sort.

Keyword Arguments

  • alg :: Base.Sort.Algorithm: ThreadsX.MergeSort, ThreadsX.QuickSort, ThreadsX.StableQuickSort etc. Base.MergeSort and Base.QuickSort can be used as aliases of ThreadsX.MergeSort and ThreadsX.QuickSort.
  • smallsort :: Union{Nothing,Base.Sort.Algorithm}: The algorithm to use for sorting small chunk of the input array.
  • smallsize :: Union{Nothing,Integer}: Size of array under which smallsort algorithm is used. nothing (default) means to use basesize.
  • basesize :: Union{Nothing,Integer}. Granularity of parallelization. nothing (default) means to choose the default size.
  • For keyword arguments, see Base.sort!.

Parallel merge sort algorithm.

See also ThreadsX.QuickSort.


ThreadsX.MergeSort is a Base.Sort.Algorithm, just like Base.MergeSort. It has a few properties for configuring the algorithm.

julia> using ThreadsX

julia> ThreadsX.MergeSort isa Base.Sort.Algorithm

julia> ThreadsX.MergeSort.smallsort === Base.Sort.DEFAULT_STABLE

The properties can be "set" by calling the algorithm object itself. A new algorithm object with new properties given by the keyword arguments is returned:

julia> alg = ThreadsX.MergeSort(smallsort = QuickSort) :: Base.Sort.Algorithm;

julia> alg.smallsort == QuickSort

julia> alg2 = alg(basesize = 64, smallsort = InsertionSort);

julia> alg2.basesize

julia> alg2.smallsort === InsertionSort


  • smallsort :: Base.Sort.Algorithm: Default to Base.Sort.DEFAULT_STABLE.
  • smallsize :: Union{Nothing,Integer}: Size of array under which smallsort algorithm is used. nothing (default) means to use basesize.
  • basesize :: Union{Nothing,Integer}. Base case size of parallel merge. nothing (default) means to choose the default size.

Parallel quick sort algorithms.

See also ThreadsX.MergeSort.


  • smallsort :: Base.Sort.Algorithm: Default to Base.Sort.DEFAULT_UNSTABLE.
  • smallsize :: Union{Nothing,Integer}: Size of array under which smallsort algorithm is used. nothing (default) means to use basesize.
  • basesize :: Union{Nothing,Integer}. Granularity of parallelization. nothing (default) means to choose the default size.